Following requests after my guide to show how GCSE heavy Universities are, I have done the same for the UKCAT. They are arranged in the same way, from most UKCAT heavy to least UKCAT heavy (of course BMAT schools are not included). Please note, I have used a holistic approach for this, Universities that have a large proportion of their weighting on the UKCAT have been listed as "heavier" even if they have had low cut-offs in the past, this is because from year-to-year the applicants may vary, if one year the cutoff is low, candidates with very good UKCAT scores may apply thinking its a safe choice therefore raising the cut-off. I have also put Univerisites with historically high cut-offs as "heavy" also. I have included in the heading what decile I would be in to apply to these universities, please note this is just a guide and what I would go by if I was applying again. I hope this makes sense, if you have any queries feel free to ask. Anyway, onto the list...